Personal Reflection 2/14/25
I was once told by someone to never tell your plans. Don’t tell people your next moves.
I will anyway.
I’m taking a break from book writing. I finished enough for now.
I want to send my memes places as they don’t match the aesthetic of most pages.
It’s not what I thought I would ever do in life — graphic design. Canva and Adobe taught me so much. Then I found myself in places at the right time where the right people intervened and taught me more.
I feel truly done with it unless some orgs want their own.
Mine are done. I did it for me.
If you think I care about fame or all that — I removed most of resume from the internet including a very powerful role. I don’t need to cling to it for any type of recognition. Instead I show the innovation I’ve found in myself.
If I think about it now…I could probably get into Harvard. I could get anyone into Harvard.
That’s what is so funny about it.
The world expects you to be developed so young.
And to be mercilessly focused on what it wants you to focus on.
I couldn’t do that.
I have my own reasoning skills.
My own drive for what I want.
But I’m not just about drive.
I love Levi. :)
I want them to know that I’m done with my soul work and search.
I had a dream/vision who knows? of the Tree of Life say “I’m finished.”
So I put it all down.
All my dreams since I was a kid.
All the things I can do to get ahead.
All the jobs I could go for if they knew I wrote for Forbes and dumb stuff just about the name dropping.
All the glittery and gold.
I hope to never wear a diamond.
That money can be used for research.
I want to earn everything.
And I want to show the one I love that I want to make a life about them and their interests.
They’re way more fun.
I’m just analytical.
They taught me how to dance.
So I wanted to let you know Levi that since my dog Lady has passed you’ve given me a new sight for my life.
And I’ll keep that for us.
So I guess I won’t share all my moves.
I’ll share a few though — I have a dream of my books being for free. For all books to be free. To go in some way to Title 1 schools. I have workshops I’m ready to put out there in some way. And memes that I can carry places. Potential in many areas. I want justice for my dog Lady with the four vets I went through. I want to go on adventures too. I want things just for me that no one has to know about. One thing though I’ve been finding out I have quirks I never knew. That’s been fun.
And I’m just having fun.
I like to come at my own research angles with ethical quandaries.
So that means I can learn what I want.
Life should be play.
How do we play with knowledge?
Start with human and animal rights.
Then you’ll find it.
Ethics. It’s just ethics that guides me.
I no longer do anything unless I have something to say. That comes with its own freedom. You don’t have to be an “expert” to come up with your own theories or collaborate with others.
I’ve done things outside the job ladder mentality. I’ve just gone straight to influential places and have been like HERE TAKE RAW TRUTH.
I like that.
I don’t care about profit. Maybe SOME recognition. I’ve been plagiarized in unique ways before — my interests, values, energy…But they always were stuck in their own misperception of what it means. I’ve outgrown things they’re still trying to dominate and have power with. They just make me stronger.
I have no need to hate. Thanks!
I have my own newsletter.
I’ll put it here and end this post with it: